By Eve W. Engle

The dogs rule in our house. They are fed first, allowed in our bed, have their own bed in the guest room and sneak up onto the sofas when we aren't looking. Maxie, short for Maximus, is a Golden Retriever/Great Pyrenes mix, Sammy is a Black Lab/Border Collie mix. His full name is Samuel L. Jackson after one of my favorite actors. Both were abused and rescued from their former owners. They get cookies every morning.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Just to update since I left this blog to pursue other things. My mother and I are living in another home in a new town. Actually, it's a very old town. We moved from Windy Hill Farm last fall, to an even older home in historic Greensboro, Alabama. We call it "Camellia Cottage". I had just started working in the library here when the dreaded corona virus, COVID-19, changed everything. I am at home now, learning how to deal with technology in a whole new way. And I suck at it. But it will get better. But let me fill you in on the past 4 years!

After a time I decided to start quilting. When I was a young child my parents took me to Gees Bend, which is really Boykin, Alabama. The famous quilting bee was just taking off there, and we attended the ribbon cutting for the co-op. I knew that some day I too would be a quilter. That day arrived when I walked into a local fabric store. What I didn't know was that I would start a new career. From 2016 through 2019 I managed fabric stores focusing on cotton quilting fabrics. I also joined the local quilt guild and began creating a studio. It was a great way for me to express myself creatively, and to break from some of the stressful things in my life.

Through my work at the fabric store I met members of the Mystic Krewe of the Druids, a Mardi Gras krewe that supports our regional HIV/AIDS clinic. I started helping and am now a full-fledge member. We raise funds through an annual Bal Masque. I love it!

Now for the sad news. I lost my sweet, devoted, gentle boy Maxie on a beautiful sun filled day in May, 2018. I still can't talk about it. He suffered, and I have trouble accepting he is gone forever. There have been other great dogs in my life, but he was special. Sammy is still with me. He is an old man of 12 now. The next door neighbors have five Labs that roam free. Sam has become friends with them and seems happy. For now he is fine.

During the time of COVID-19 I have many things to be thankful for, especially my memories of two great dogs, Sam and Max. There are no better friend than a devoted dog, and I am blessed.

Our world is changing quickly in ways we can barely understand. I won't be posting here again. There is no one reading this blog anymore anyway. But, for a while, I found this "place" to be a  favorite location.
